AstroShield Reflective Insulation

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Improve Interior Comfort

AstroShield, an improved version of the product previously known as Astro Foil insulation, is an easy-to-install line of reflective insulation used for a variety of construction applications. AstroShield, an environmentally safe and non-toxic product, features a Polyethylene bubble sandwiched between two protective sheets, one or both of which are composed of a strong metalized polyester film.

This combination provides an insulating surface that uses reflective technology to block up to 95% of radiant heat. Installing AstroShield properly can dramatically increase the thermal performance and energy efficiency of your space. Astroshield aims to keep energy costs lower and interior spaces more comfortable. See our product line listed below.

Why choose reflective?

Traditional insulation methods do not reflect radiant heat away. AstroShield, like a radiant barrier, is a highly effective blockade to the transfer of radiant heat.

AstroShield reflective insulation is easy to use and safe for the health of your installers.

Mass insulations like fiberglass, cellulose and foam merely slow down the transfer of conductive heat by absorbing it. The middle bubble layers of AstroShield work in a similar way to provide a thermal barrier against conductive heat transfer, while also providing added strength to the material’s structure.

AstroShield Reflective Insulation Benefits

Benefits of AstroShield Reflective Insulation

  • Cuts energy consumption and costs
  • Improves interior comfort
  • Lightweight; easy and safe to install
  • Reduces condensation
  • Class A / Class 1 fire rating
  • Environmentally safe and non-toxic
  • Available in numerous stock sizes
  • AstroShield II conforms to the requirements of the NFPA 286 full room burn test
Foil Bubble Wrap Product Line

Click here for AstroShield brochure

AstroShield I - One layer of bubble film between two sheets of metalized film.

AstroShield II - Two layers of bubble film between two sheets of metalized film.

AstroShield White I - One layer of bubble film with metalized aluminum film on one side and white sheet on the other for clean, streamlined matte appearance.

AstroShield White II - Two layers of bubble film with metalized aluminum film on one side and white sheet for clean, streamlined, matte appearance on the other.

Click here for AstroShield White brochure

All the above products in the AstroShield line are available in the following versions:

Peel & Seal - Easy peel-and-stick application; no need to nail, screw or tape down.

AstroShield Tab - Edges of sheets have flexible 1/2 tabs; these convenient tabs make it easy to position and staple sheets between floor joists, studs and rafters. Standard widths of 16", 17", 24", 34" and 48". Custom sizes are available.

Garage Door Insulation Kit - shields interior spaces from heat loss, lowering energy bills. Keeps garages cooler in hot weather.

Water Heater Insulation Jacket - Blocks heat loss from a water heater, making it more energy efficient.

AstroShield Applications
  • Industrial & Commercial: Metal Building Insulation
  • Home Insulation & Do-It-Yourself
  • Agricultural: Pole Barn Insulation
  • Automotive Insulation
  • HVAC
  • OEM
Uses for Home Insulation or Commercial Insulation

Install AstroShield in or around:

  • Exterior wall insulation in post-frame and pre-engineered metal buildings
  • Crawl spaces and attics
  • Purlins and girts
  • Bottom of trusses and exposed ceilings
  • HVAC ducts
  • Garage doors and water heaters
  • Any insulation need in space-constricted applications
Insulation Standard Sizes
Roll Size Package Qty.
AstroShield II: MPET/Clear Bubble/Clear Bubble/MPET (5/16" thick)
16" x 50' 3 Rolls
24" x 50' 2 Rolls
48" x 50' 1 Roll
16" x 125' 3 Rolls
24" x 125' 2 Rolls
48" x 125' 1 Roll
60" x 125' 1 Roll
72" x 125' 1 Roll
96" x 125' 1 Roll
AstroShield I: MPET/Bubble/MPET (3/16" thick)
48" x 125' 1 Roll
72" x 125' 1 Roll
AstroShield WHITE II: MPET/White Bubble/White Bubble/White (5/16" thick)
48" x 125' 1 Roll
72" x 125' 1 Roll
AstroShield WHITE I: MPET/Bubble/White (3/16" thick)
48" x 125' 1 Roll
72" x 125' 1 Roll
AstroShield II TABBED: MPET/White Bubble/White (3/16" thick)
16" x 50' 3 Rolls
24" x 50' 2 Rolls
16" x 125' 3 Rolls
24" x 125' 2 Rolls
Tech Info - AstroShield Foil Insulation


AstroShield II

AstroShield I

Thickness 5/16' Nominal (8mm) 3/16' Nominal (6.35mm)
Weight 1.25 oz. per sq. ft. (382 g/m2) .811 oz. per sq. ft. (207 g/m2)
Flame Spread
ASTM E-84-81A
<25 Flame/ <50 Smoke <25 Flame/ <50 Smoke
Fire Rating Class A/Class1 Class A/Class 1
Linear Shrinkage None None
Puncture Resistance 9.67 Average PSI 8.09 Average PSI
R-Value* 14 (Down) 8 (Horiz.) 6 (Up) 14(Down) 8(Horiz.) 5 (Up)
Emittance C1371 0.06-0.07 0.06-0.07
Reflectance 0.93-0.94 0.93-0.94
Degradation 0 0
U-Value (Btu/ft. 2hro F) 0.071 (down) 0.125 (Horiz.) 0.166 (Up) 0.071 (down) 0.125 (Horiz.) 0.201 (Up)
Water Transmission Rate ASTME96 0.005 0.025
Fungi Resistant    

* R-Values for AstroShield Reflective Insulation have been calculated for nominal 2 by 4 inch wood-frame wall assemblies described in ASTM STP 116. For complete details regarding methodology, contact your nearest Innovative Energy Sales Office. AstroShield's ability to reflect heat in open applications is not fully measured by this test. It's that extra reflective capability that makes it possible for AstroShield Foil Insulation to keep people and animals comfortable all year long.

WARNING: Reflective bubble-pack insulation will ignite if exposed to fire or sufficient heat and intensity. Protect insulation from exposure to open flame or other ignition sources during shipping, storage and installation.

The manufacturer believes this information and recommendations herein to be accurate and reliable. However, since use conditions are not within its control, the manufacturer does not guarantee results from use of such products or other information herein and disclaims all liability from any resulting damage or loss. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS GIVEN AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS REFERRED TO. Freedom from patents of PACTIV or others is not to be inferred.

How to Install Reflective Insulation
    1. AstroShield works best when there is a 3/4" air space on each side of the insulation. (Larger air space is fine but a smaller one reduces its thermal effectiveness.)
    2. AstroShield Reflective Insulation should always be installed on the inside of the structure.
    3. AstroShield will not cure existing problems. Leaking roofs, rot or mold situations or other moisture or structural problems should be corrected before installation.
    4. Any deteriorated wiring should be replaced prior to installing AstroShield.
    5. AstroShield should be at least 3' from any heat producing fixtures, chimneys, blowers, etc. NEVER install AstroShield directly above lighting or other heat producing devices.
    6. Always turn off all electricity in the area when installing AstroShield Foil Insulation.

Click for "How to Install Reflective Insulation Brochure"


Don't forget the reflective tape to finish your job!
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