Recreational Vehicles and HVAC Product

Reflective insulation and radiant barriers are key to maximizing thermal performance and energy efficiency of insulation within an RV. Innovative Energy products are perfectly suited to help maintain comfortable internal temperatures in an RV, especially in extreme external air temperature situations. Unlike mass insulation, Innovative Energy's reflective insulation products are very thin-ideal for installation in the thin wall and roof construction of an RV. The products' reflective properties help prevent radiant heat transfer, for energy efficiency and comfort year-round.

Innovative Energy's Arctic Package

Innovative Energy's Arctic Package program helps improve the thermal efficiency of RVs by enhancing the performance of conventional insulation used in RVs. The Arctic Package refers to the use of R+HEATSHIELD radiant barrier in conjunction with mass insulation. R+HEATSHIELD provides a reflective surface that blocks up to 95 percent of radiant heat transfer. Innovative Energy's Arctic Package delivers improved comfort and energy efficiency by helping interior spaces cool down faster in hot weather, and warm up faster in cold weather.

Product Benefits

Key Benefits of RV Reflective Insulation Products:

  • Improve overall thermal performance of the insulation system
  • Reduce overall energy consumption
  • Interior comfort levels are easier to achieve and maintain
  • Thin materials allow for reduction in mass insulation requirements
  • Custom sizes available, including 8-foot widths
Arctic Package Installations

I.E.'s RV insulation materials are ideal in the following applications:

  1. Install UltraDuct as part of the heating and air conditioning system to maximize duct interior dimensions and increase air output - the entire system will perform more efficiently.
  2. Install AstroShield by itself or in combination with other RV insulation to reflect radiant heat waves away, before they can be absorbed by an adjacent surface.
  3. Use R+HEATSHIELD radiant barrier to stop heat transfer that would otherwise be absorbed by mass insulation; the result will be an RV that is warmer in winter and cooler in summer.